Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Turkey Time!!!

With only two days of school this week, I decided we would spend some time talking about all things turkey and Thanksgiving. Over the past couple of days, we have been busy playing turkey math and phonics games, making fact family turkeys, learning about the Pilgrims’ voyage on the Mayflower, and the very first Thanksgiving. Students made bracelets with colored beads to help them remember the story of the first Thanksgiving. We also took a virtual tour of a replica of the Mayflower and decided as a class that 66 days in the lower deck of a small ship with 102 pilgrims would have been pretty uncomfortable. We also read There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie! and students made an old lady craft, sequenced the events of the story, and even predicted what would happen at the end.

Help Save The Turkey!!!!

It was a successful morning in first grade today. Students worked together to help save the turkey from the Breakout Box!!! We read the story Run, Turkey, Run! and then students worked in teams as they searched the room for clues to help figure out the codes to unlock 4 individual locks on the BreakOut Box! In under 30 minutes, all three groups were able to solve the lock codes and free the turkey! Way to go boys and girls! It was a fun and challenging activity that promoted teamwork and critical thinking skills.

Animal Habitats

My first graders have been hard at work learning about different types of animal habitats.  Each student choose their favorite habitat, created a 3D diorama, and wrote 3 facts about their habitat.  Then students used an app called CHATTERPIX to create a talking illustration to share their habitat facts with the class.  It has been a fun and creative week in science. I hope you enjoy the pictures and a few of the videos I have posted=)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Halloween Poems

Sorry for the late post..... but check out these cute Halloween poems my kiddos learned and performed for staff and students at the elementary.  They did such a great job.  They might even scare you a little with their loud BOOOOOOO!

Scary Monsters

My first graders did an awesome job writing a descriptive paragraph about their monsters.  We read Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley.  Students used descriptive adjectives to describe the monsters that they drew after listening to the story. They filled out a graphic organizer with adjectives that described the shape, color, number, and size of their monsters.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Pumpkin Smash

Our poor little pumpkins went on some interesting adventures and ended up in a big gooey SPLAT!

Fall Fun In First Grade!

It was a busy day in first grade! The kids worked on a main idea and detail trick-or-treating activity, made pumpkin pie in a bag, created a Guess Who? ghost craft, and and worked on a creative writing prompt about their smashed pumpkins. More pics coming soon!