Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Spring!!!!

First grade sure enjoyed the beautiful spring days we had earlier this week. Coats off and extra recess time were a must!!!

Spelling Centers

Students practiced their oa/ow spelling words in a variety of centers. Centers included bean spell, rainbow write, play doh poke, link and spell, and spelling sticks.

Night and Day

Why causes day and night? That was the big question this week. First grade learned all about the moon and it’s phases, the BIG burning ball of gas that heats the Earth, and how earth rotates around the sun to make day and night. The class used Oreos to show the different phases of the moon. That was a yummy lesson. Students also read a nonfiction text about the sun on their iPads and filled in a CAN, HAS, and IS graphic organizer with facts that they learned.

Scrambled Eggs Anyone????

With Easter right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to unscramble our weekly sightwords found in these Easter eggs. Students rotated around the room unscrambling words and using each word in a sentence.

Edible Shapes

Our math lesson was super yummy today. After sorting real life object into 3D shape categories, students had the opportunity to eat a cube, cylinder, cone, sphere, and rectangular prism. Who knew math could be so tasty!!! Students also had a great time dancing to a fun 3D shape song.


These super readers met their 3rd quarter AR goal and earned a special lunch in the classroom this afternoon! Keep up the great work first grade!

Water Cycle

We learned about the water cycle this week in science. The kids had a great time simulating what happens when the clouds get too “full”. The shaving cream acted like our clouds and the blue water drops represented the condensation happening in the clouds. After a while, the clouds were too full and we had precipitation. 👍🏻 We also created water cycle diagrams and made water cycle bracelets.

Vowel Pairs

First grade has been learning about the vowel pairs ee and ea in spelling and phonics. The class read Sheep in a Jeep and went on a word hunt through the book. Each student made their very own sheep and sorted ee and ea words. They also made trees with ee and ea words written on the leaves and used the words in sentences. I think these kiddos are ready for their phonics quiz on Friday=)

Shake It!

Yep, that’s the name of the game! We have been busy warming up before our math lesson each day with a simple addition game made from egg cartons. Be on the look out for this game to come home soon so your child can continue to practice his or her basic math facts. The faster the better! See how many they can get right in a minute. This game can also be used with subtraction facts.

Family Fun Night!

The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, Fox in Socks, and many other Dr. Seuss characters helped first grade celebrate our 2nd annual family reading night! Thanks to all the families that joined us this evening for games, snacks, and a whole lot of family fun!