Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Pilgrim, Pilgrim What Do You See?

Happy Thanksgiving from Mrs. Holland's little pilgrims.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It is a short week but boy we are busy!  Students have been writing about how they would plan to catch a turkey, discussing things we are thankful for, taking a virtual tour of the Mayflower and making Mayflower fact books, and also putting Thanksgiving words in alphabetical order.  I am so thankful for these kiddos and all of their hard work!
Seth, Brynne, and Hailey show off their Mayflower books.

Cade is busy alphabetizing Thanksgiving words.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pizza a Bowling

What a great day!!!!  First grade headed to Geneseo, IL for our field trip to Happy Joe's and Lee's Lanes.  Each student got the opportunity to make their very own Lil Joe's pizza and practice their bowling skills.  The pizzas were very tasty and quite a few students had strikes and spares while bowling.  We ended the day with yummy Happy Joe's ice cream. A big thank you to the parents that were able to join us today and help out.

To prepare for he big day...... students wrote about how to make a pizza and we brainstormed adjectives that described pizza.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


My first graders have been very busy learning facts about 6 different types of habitats.  They worked together in small groups to draw the habitat that their animals live in.  We discussed that the rain forest has lots of trees and it rains a lot.  Students also learned that the desert is a very hot habitat with little to no rain.  Two habitats that we can find close by are the pond and forest habitats.  We also talked about the ocean habitat and grassland habitat. Their posters turned out great and they worked so well as a team!

Happy Veterans Day!!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Yummy Book Reports!

Check out our yummy book reports.  Last week we read a story titled The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud.  As a class, we discussed the plot and students retold the story using picture cards.  Each student then wrote their very first book report.  The ice cream scoop on top lists the title of the story and the author, the second scoop summarizes the beginning of the story, the third scoop summarizes the middle of the story, and finally the fourth scoop summarizes end of the story.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Learning About Environments

In science this week we are learning about environments.  Students have been discussing vocabulary words like adaptation, camouflage, and habitats.  We also discussed how animals depend on one other for food.  Each student made their very own food chain.  Check out their food chains below as well as their camouflaged butterflies.  They did a great job blending their butterflies into our classroom environment.