Wednesday, October 26, 2016

We Are Going Batty!!!!

In first grade we are learning about bats.  As a class, we filled out a Bats..... CAN, HAVE, and ARE chart.  We have read lots of nonfiction books about bats to help us learn new facts about bats and we even have a colony of bats roosting in our classroom... lol.
Did you know?????  A little brown bat can eat 600 mosquitos in 1 hour!

The largest bat in the world is called the Flying Fox and it has a wingspan of 6 feet!

The smallest bat in the world is called the Bumble Bee Bat and it has a 5 inch wingspan.  It is also as tiny as a penny.

Check out our roosting bats!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


This week we learning about the KING OF "ING"!!!  My kiddos each made their very own "ING crown and wrote "ING" words around the band of their crowns.  They did a great job and now understand that if we add "ING" to a base word it tells us that it is happening right now!

Monday, October 17, 2016

QR Code: Noun Search

On Friday, my kiddos worked with a partner and used their iPads to scan noun QR codes.  They had to decide if the noun was a person, place, or thing and sort them into groups.  All of my first graders did a great job working together.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Author's Purpose

Did you know that an author always has a purpose in mind when he or she writes a story? My first grade students have been learning about author's purpose and doing a little writing of their own this week.  This is just one example of an activity that my kiddos created to help them remember the difference between writing to persuade, entertain, and inform/explain.  After reading a story with your child, you might want to ask them what the author's purpose was just to see if they can remember the BIG 3!

Doubles Club!

Check out the first two members of the First Grade Doubles Club.  I am so proud of Mason and Jennica.  The rest of their classmates aren't far behind.  I know all of my first graders are very busy practicing their double facts at home and will be members of the club very soon!!!!  Keep up the great work boys and girls.

Don't Let The Pigeon........

Last week I read four of Mo Willems Pigeon books to my students. They absolutely fell in love with the pigeon character!  Mo Willems is an author that writes with a lot of expression which is a perfect for teaching my students about the 3 types of punctuations.  My first graders have been practicing writing statements, exclamations, and questions.  Each of my kiddos had to write one example of each type of sentence (some of them even choose exclamation sentences from the text....YEAH!) and then they got to make their very own pigeon.  We sure had fun reading, writing, and sharing our ideas with he class.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Double Time

We are busy learning our DOUBLE FACTS in math this week!  The class made Double Dudes today and practiced our DOUBLES rap song.  We made DOUBLE FACT books to help us study.  My students also started playing a pumpkin doubles game with one of their classmates.  It has been a busy but fun couple of day in first grade math!

Check out our rap song here......