Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Happy 100th Day!!!!

We made it!!!  We are officially 100 days smarter!  My kiddos had a great day celebrating!  Students wrote about why they are such "SMART COOKIES" and made a cookie craft to go along with it.  They also used  the # 100 and creatively turned it into a picture.   The class made a 100th day trail mix snack, read a couple 100th day book, and used our math skills to color a hidden picture on a 100's chart.  The day just flew by!  On to 101 tomorrow=)
Getting ready for our 100th day snack!

Check out these "SMART COOKIES"!!!

100 Creations 

Students sorted ten snacks into 10 groups of 10

Evan and Makayla enjoying their 100th day snack.

Holden, Brynna, Cade, and Seth

Alex, Caleb, Hunter, Hailey, and Nevada

Nathan and Boston

Monday, January 25, 2016

Water Cycle

We have been very busy learning about the water cycle in science the past couple of weeks.  Boy, we sure have learned some BIG vocabulary words!

To help us better understand the water cycle we learned a fun little song.  Check it out below!

Students also made cute water cycle crafts with yarn and sparkly sequins.

Lost Snowman

Last week, my students learned about adjectives.  They now know that adjectives describe nouns.  Each student creatively decorated their very own snowman.  We pretended that our snowmen were lost and we had to make LOST posters to help find them.  Students wrote 4 sentences using adjectives to describe their LOST SNOWMAN.  It kind of turned into a fun guessing game.  Who's snowman belonged to who?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Snowy Day: Story Map

Last week we read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.  As a class, we filled out a story map discussing the characters, setting, problem, and solution in the story.  My kiddos did a great job!  We also made a super fun snow craft with shaving cream and Elmer's glue.  Check it out.  Out snow is 3D and puffy!

You can read or listen to THE SNOWY DAY by clicking the link below.  ENJOY=)


Real or Make Beleive?

In first grade we have been discussing the differences between fiction and non-fiction text genres.  Students brought in pictures from magazines and real photographs to add to our classroom posters.  It is a great visual to have in the classroom to help us better understand what makes a story fiction or non-fiction.  We also sorted a variety of books from our classroom library into fiction and non-fiction categories.
Fictional Books

Non-Fictional Books

Nevada and Hunter sharing our posters!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Super Readers!!!!

Way to go first grade!  Check out all of these "bookworms" that met their 2nd quarter AR goal.  I am so proud of of their hard work. As a reward, students got to eat lunch in the classroom this afternoon and enjoy a special chocolate chip cookie cake!  Keep up the good work!