Monday, August 21, 2017

Classroom Tour

Come on in!!  Welcome to our reading nook!

Get comfy and read a book=)


Classroom Jobs

Writing Center

Weekly Spelling and Sight Words

It's always "Time" to be KIND!!!!

Solar Eclipse

Even though we didn't get a chance to go outside and see the eclipse today we were still very excited! We read a book titled "Someone Is Eating The Sun" (so cute). We did our very own eclipse simulation in the classroom with a flashlight(sun), golf ball(moon), and blow up 🌏. Students made an eclipse craft and we ate a themed snack including "Sun" chips and Oreos that we turned into eclipse models. What a neat experience for us to enjoy together today.

School Rules: No David!!

On Friday, we read "David Goes To School" and discussed what makes a good student. My first graders did a great job sorting good choices and bad choices and also made their very own David craft highlighting the rules we should follow at school. We had a fantastic day and I'm really enjoying getting to know my new kiddos this year.

Back to School

What a great first day with my brand new first graders!!!! We sure were busy and had lots of fun today. We made special Jitter Juice to get rid of those first day nerves, practiced using our marshmallow toes when walking in the hallway, and made cute first day hats! It's going to be a great year and I'm really excited to get to know my students and watch them learn and grow