Thursday, September 19, 2019


From this point forward, all class photos and classroom updates will be communicated with parents via the Seesaw app.  If you can any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at

Monday, August 26, 2019

Sight Word Centers

This past Friday, my first graders had a great time reviewing their Kindergarten sight words as they rotated through a variety of word work centers.  Students were unscrambling words, playing word tower races and tic-tac-toe, writing their words in crayons, markers, highlighters, and pencils, and also creating word rubbings with their sight words.  It sure was a busy morning!

My Mouth Is Like A Volcano!

We read the book titled My Mouth Is Like A Volcano! It is a cute little story about learning to not INT”ERUPT” someone when they are speaking. The class brainstormed good choices to make when they feel like they might “erupt” and created a volcano craft. We also conducted a science experiment to discover what happens when vinegar and baking soda are mixed together. We had mini volcanos erupting all over the classroom!!! It was super fun and the kids loved it!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

5 Senses

This week in first grade, students learned about and explored their 5 senses.  The class learned a fun song about the 5 senses, did a little popcorn taste test, completed a 5 senses sort, and labeled their very own Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head craft.  It has been a great first week of school and I think my kiddos are excited about what's to come.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Flashlight Friday!

Students enjoyed a little relax and read time this afternoon. What makes Flashlight Friday so special is that we turn off all of the lights and students get to use cool colored finger lights to read their books!

The power of YET!!!!

One of my goals this year is to help my students begin their growth mindset journey. It is truly a new way of thinking and believing in yourself! Our first growth mindset lesson focused on the power of YET! I read the story Giraffes Can’t Dance to the class and we discussed how the main character never gave up, continued to practice, and worked hard in order to reach a goal. I also explained to the class that if we change our words we can change our minds. There will be no more “I Can’t” in our classroom this year. Instead, we will encourage each other to say “I Can’t YET! 

After the read aloud and discussion, students engaged in a writing activity where they celebrated 3 things they can do really well and then shared something they can’t do just YET! Each student also made a cute giraffe handprint craft to represent Gerald the main character in our book.

First Day Jitters!

We can wave those first day jitters good bye.  These kiddos are settling into first grade just fine thanks to the special "JITTER JUICE" we made on our first day together.  We read a story titled First Day Jitters and learned that even teachers get a little nervous on the first day back to school.  Students also illustrated and wrote about their feeling.

Get Creative!

It is amazing what a first grade mind can imagine and create when given a container of play-doh.  My students did a great job sculpting and molding their play-doh into all sorts of creative objects.  We had tacos, stars, Mickey Mouse, a princess castle, butterfly, snake, pizza, a fish and so much more.  This fun and relaxing activity was a great way to start our first week together.


Welcome Back!

It's that time of year again!  We are back and ready to learn and grow in first grade!  I am so excited to get to know my new kiddos.  We are going to have so much fun together this year.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Way to go Braylon!

Braylon completed all of his addition math ninja timed tests! He is officially a Math Ninja Master!!!

Cause and Effect

I incorporated a little cause and effect lesson with our scholastic book of the month. Our book for the month of May is Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. We read the story and then discussed all of the “causes” that made Alexander have a bad day! Students then wrote about a bad day they have had before.

Learning About Matter

Last week we learned all about MATTER. Students had fun learning poems about solids, liquids, and gases. We mixed liquids and did a sink and float activity as well. To end the week, we made predications about what we thought might happen to a liquid (juice) if we cooled it down in the freezer. Students observed how we can change a liquid to a solid and and got to enjoy a yummy popsicle as a result of our experiment.