Wednesday, September 19, 2018

STRIKE!!!! Anyone up for a game of subtraction bowling? This week during math centers, students are having a great time practicing their subtraction facts as they bowl and try to knock down as many pins (Dixie cups) as possible. Then they write a number sentence to match.

Positive Thinking

Do you have a BUBBLE GUM brain or a BRICK brain??? Today we reviewed the power of YET and sorted positive thinking statements vs. trash talk. We listened to a read aloud titled My Bubble Gum Brain and discussed how when we use positive thinking our brain stretches and grows. This growth mindset lesson encouraged students to celebrate their mistakes and learn from them! No more “trash talk” like the Brick Brain character! We want our brains to grow and stretch like the Bubble Gum Brain character from the story. We also all had a bubble gum treat as we worked on our independent sorts.

Reading Buddies!

Reading Buddies
Last Friday Mrs. Hayen’s 3rd grade class joined us for a little buddy reading. It was a wonderful opportunity for both age groups to share some of their favorite books and practice reading. We will look forward to this fun activity each month.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Power Of YET!!!!

I took an online course this summer and learned about fixed vs. growth mindset and let me tell you it was eye opening. One of my goals this year is to help my students begin their growth mindset journey. It is truly a new way of thinking and believing in yourself! Our first growth mindset lesson focused on the power of YET! I read the story Giraffes Can’t Dance to the class and we discussed how the main character never gave up, continued to practice, and work hard in order to reach a goal. I also explained to the class that if we change our words we can change our minds. There will be no more “I Can’t” in our classroom this year. Instead, we will encourage each other to say “I Can’t YET! 

After the read aloud and discussion, students engaged in a writing activity where they celebrated 3 things they can to really well and then shared something they can’t do just YET! Each student also made a cute giraffe handprint craft to represent Gerald the main character in our book.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Let's Label It!

My little kiddos are learning to add detail to their illustrations in order to draw WOW pictures. We have also discussed the importance of labeling illustrations and diagrams.
Miss Melody was a great sport and volunteered for a fun labeling activity.  

Look Who Got Caught Reading!!!!

We are back into the swing of things and my first graders are busy practicing their reading stamina!